The team behind TOXsIgN has invested considerable time, resources, and effort into collecting, curating, processing, developing, and maintaining this web resource. Please follow the citation guidelines if you are using it.
DrugMatrix, produced by the U.S. National Toxicology Program, is a molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in which rats or primary rat hepatocytes were systematically treated with therapeutic, industrial, ...
Open TG-GATEs is a toxicogenomics database open to the public for researchers to utilize research results of TGP and TGP2, and releases the data of 170 compounds stored in TG-GATEs. In Open TG-GATEs, it is possible to search toxicogenomics data by compound name or pathological finding. It is also possible ...
May 11, 2020, 12:24 p.m.
TSSP3 - Transcriptomic analysis in zebrafish larvae identifies iron-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction as a key event of NAFLD progression induced by benzo[a]pyrene/ethanol co-exposure
Among etiological factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a worldwide epidemic, environmental contaminants have gained importance. Among them, benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), a potent environmental carcinogen, in combination with ethanol, was shown to induce the transition of steatosis toward a steatohepatitis—like state both in vitro and in vivo. However, underlying mechanisms ...
The Connectivity Map, or CMap, is a resource that uses transcriptional expression data to probe relationships between diseases, cell physiology, and therapeutics. The changes in gene expression, or “signatures,” that arise from a disease, genetic perturbation (knockdown or overexpression of a gene) or treatment with a small molecule are compared ...
The Connectivity Map, or CMap, is a resource that uses transcriptional expression data to probe relationships between diseases, cell physiology, and therapeutics. The changes in gene expression, or “signatures,” that arise from a disease, genetic perturbation (knockdown or overexpression of a gene) or treatment with a small molecule are compared ...
Dec. 16, 2022, 1:21 p.m.
There are no superprojects yet.
TSP26 - DrugMatrix - Toxicogenomic signatures after exposure to n-nitrosodiethylamine in the rat
DrugMatrix is the scientific communities' largest molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in ...
TSP27 - DrugMatrix - Toxicogenomic signatures after exposure to mitomycin c in the rat
DrugMatrix is the scientific communities' largest molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in ...
TSP28 - DrugMatrix - Toxicogenomic signatures after exposure to phenothiazine in the rat
DrugMatrix is the scientific communities' largest molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in ...
TSP29 - DrugMatrix - Toxicogenomic signatures after exposure to oxytetracycline in the rat
DrugMatrix is the scientific communities' largest molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in ...
TSP30 - DrugMatrix - Toxicogenomic signatures after exposure to rosiglitazone in the rat
DrugMatrix is the scientific communities' largest molecular toxicology reference database and informatics system. DrugMatrix is populated with the comprehensive results of thousands of highly controlled and standardized toxicological experiments in ...